Tango en las calles de la Boca

Tango en las calles de la Boca

03 July 2012

LAN Princess

A short rave on LAN Airlines, owned by the President of Chile:

1. Comfortable seats (when you don't have to pee and are the window seat in a row of three)
2. Spacious (on some models when you're the emergency exit designated life-saver)
3. Safety cords (Joey and I didn't have to use them to save people and determine if exiting the plane would endanger the passengers or not by removing the 35-pound door)
4. Wine (though I drank none)
5. Good movies (The Artist)
6. Special meals (VEGETARIAN so I wouldn't have to deal with airplane chicken)
7. Breakfast (of real eggs and real fruit)
8. Tetris (with a controller)
9. Pretty stewardesses and handsome stewards (PanAm style)
10. Chips Ahoy and chifles (plantain chips) as a snack

10/10 LAN; Treating me like a princess.

Except you took me back to Bs.As. when I wasn't ready.


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