Tango en las calles de la Boca

Tango en las calles de la Boca

08 May 2012

Officially Falling

The bright yellow leaves on these trees are finally falling - they fall and cover the sidewalks as pretty yellow blankets and their scent is one of hearty Halloween-time; Only that Halloween is in 6 months.

Fall is my favorite season so I got all excited that I could smell the crisp air and swish through the leaves. It gives that sense of impending Thanksgiving time and subsequent Christmas season - you can taste it on the air... only that Easter just passed and Christmas is no time soon.

It's interesting how our brains associate scents and events (like falling leaves) to memories... I'm almost tripping out because in 2.5 short months I'll be blazing in the heat of summer again, waiting for Fall to come around. What's more interesting though is throwing yourself for another loop and walking around in jeans, a tank top and flip flops as the trees are almost bare. Yes, this is an occurrence in Marietta - as we saw with the heat wave in October of 2010 - but that seems out of the ordinary. Anyhow, I don't know how to dress because 1) I don't want to be tacky but 2) people bundle up and wear giant coats and scarves covering their mouths an it's 19 degrees Celsius!

I oscillate between getting it, and not. When it was 29 degrees and dropped to 13, yeah sure. When it was 25 and dropped to 15, okay. But when it's 22 and 19... what are you doing. Enjoy the weather!

I'm going to try to enjoy it and take a nice long turkey trot (what I call my runs) today and hopefully every day from here on out. It's beach time in 6.5 weeks - I have to be ready. And these pastry shops on each corner haven't helped.

It should be a high of 24 here, let's see if we can get there.

...AND........... GO!!!


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