Tango en las calles de la Boca

Tango en las calles de la Boca

13 June 2012

Getting Into God

It seems a lot of youth nowadays are describing themselves as atheist or nontheist - at least what I've noticed here.

I'll put the disclaimer out here first: this isn't about who's right and who's wrong.

Here comes Descarte's Third Meditation De Dios Que Existe (God that Exists)
In philosophy today, there was so much dissent over this meditation that irrefutably and academically proves the existence of a God.

Whatever your belief, Descartes says that this is a truth about life. Whatever your belief, you have SOME idea of a God-figure. Whether you believe that figure exists or not is irrelevant: when I say the word "god", some image or idea comes to mind.

That being said, the way Descartes describes the idea of "god" is the most perfect being. And by agreeing that existence is better than nonexistence, we conclude that existence is more perfect. Thus, any perfect being could not be lacking in the smallest characteristic, much less existence. Therefore, God, god, whatever you want, exists.

My point in this entry is not to remind you of Descarte's third meditation, or to teach you about it, but rather the BOLUDEZ that was in the classroom. What really gets me irritated is the inability for people to have an open mind; better said, when people speak before they hear.

I only wish I could have recorded the mess in the classroom: everyone talking, voices raising, dissent, disagreement, refute ALL AT ONCE. GOD EXISTS; NO HE DOESN'T; WHERE'S THE MATERIAL PROOF BLAH BLAH BLAH.

I almost walked out early. If people would just understand that this is philosophy; someone's own personal opinions after days on days on days of reflection then there would be no disorder! Everyone shouting out without listening or probably even without having read the text is outrageous.

I stayed the whole time, and I heard one girl say, "Guys come on, this is philosophy, just take it in. If you don't agree that's fine but this is what's been around for hundreds of years." It's as if God heard my cry. Well, not really my cry, but my immaterial plea to some perfect being in existence somewhere outside the body and I know this information directly; oh look, the immaterial moved the material again.

Unfortunately, that girl was refuted by another.

Then I really lost it.

There's my rant, probably aggravated by the end of the semester exhaustion.. and something else.

Sorry... (but I'm not).

These are MY thoughts.


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