No trates cubrir el sol con el dedo
Don't try to cover the sun with your finger
El que se acuesta con perros se despierta con pulgas
He who sleeps with dogs wakes up with fleas
El gato con guantes no caza ratones
The cat with gloves doesn't hunt mice
Cada cosa que vees son dos o tres
Every thing you see are two or three
Se defiende como gato con la panza arriba
He defends himself like a cat, belly up
En bocas cerradas no entran moscas
Flies can't go in to closed mouths
No todos los dedos de la mano son iguales
Not each finger of the hand is equal
El pez por la boca muere
A fish by the mouth dies
Zorro dormilón no caza gallinas
A sleeping fox doesn't hunt geese
Al que madruga Dios lo ayuda
He who wakes, God helps
Ojos que no ven corazón que no siente
Eyes that don't see; heart that doesn't feel
En el reino de ciegos el tuerto es rey
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
El que anda con lobos aprende a aullar
He who walks with wolves learns to howl
El que quiere pescar tendrá que mojarse
He who wants to fish must get wet
Lo que no mata engorda
What doesn't kill you makes you fatter
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