Tango en las calles de la Boca

Tango en las calles de la Boca

10 March 2012

It's That Weather...

It's that weather where you know the first day of school is coming! The first day after a long summer break, where the sun turns the sky orange at a noticeably earlier time, where the nights become cool and the mornings are crisp. Yes, the stores change their displays to promote back to school shopping with the latest Fall styles and even winter sweaters with the knit snowflakes, and more than that, I feel it in my skin.

(Please remember it's Summer here, moving to Autumn...)

But this time, I feel it in my skin as if I were a new 6th grader, about to hit middle school. Like a boss, just rearing to go. And how exciting: an 8 AM  EVERY.  SINGLE. DAY!

Here is my schedule.

It should be quite the experience, I definitely feel like a college freshman again: not knowing what to expect, not knowing much about the professors if anything at all, not knowing my way around, and not knowing ANYONE in my classes, except for Tango. Yes, I have resolved that I will be "that international student trying to take classes in a foreign language". Hopefully I don't frequent the struggle bus too often.

I will be uploading photos later tonight from my adventure in Bariloche.


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